Festive cheer and Christmas shopping
Join us for a spot of festive cheer and shopping?at
Blackwell Hall, Blackwell Hall Lane, Chesham, HP5 1TN on Tuesday 30th November 10am – 8pm & Wednesday 1st December 10am – 5pm
Kindly hosted by Purdy and Figg who will be selling their beautiful range of natural cleaning, hand balms and sanitising products, plus lots from other lovely local businesses:
We’ll be selling our limited edition Christmas and botanical cards, prints, and tea towels.
Peppers Ghost Interiors
Christmas decorations, vintage, and antique decorative items
Charles Farris Scented Candles
Total Wardrobe Care with a range of anti-moth products
Beautiful cotton block-printed Indian table cloths and napkins
Colorful Fairtrade French market bags and charming recycled baskets made in South America
Christmas hampers from Grocer Goods in Old Amersham
Handmade cobweb brushes made from Russell and Sons, 7th Generation Chesham family firm
Thyme Hotel in Gloucestershire has a beautiful shop and among the things, we will be selling will be their Bertioli range of natural skin and hair products, printed silk masks, linen aprons, and table napkins
Cambridge Imprint – Letter trays, notebooks, and albums
And the wonderful Horatio’s garden will be selling their merchandise
A beautiful handmade festive wreath has been generously donated by The Grocer, Amersham as a raffle prize.
We would love you to pop in to say hello??